Il Corriere di Trieste


1908-1918: i soldati della Bosnia ed Erzegovina a Trieste e sul fronte meridionale in una selezione di foto
1908-1918: i soldati della Bosnia ed Erzegovina a Trieste e sul fronte meridionale in una selezione di foto

1908-1918: i soldati della Bosnia ed Erzegovina a Trieste e sul fronte meridionale in una selezione di foto

[FOTO] 26 immagini dalla mostra fotografica “1908-1918: i soldati della Bosnia ed Erzegovina a Trieste e sul fronte meridionale” a cura di Alessandro Mlach.

1908-1918: the soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Trieste and on the Southern Front in 26 selected photos
1908-1918: the soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Trieste and on the Southern Front in 26 selected photos

1908-1918: the soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Trieste and on the Southern Front in 26 selected photos

Gallery featuring 26 photos from exhibit “1908-1918: the soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Trieste and on the Southern Front” curated by Alessandro Mlach.

Trieste ricorda i suoi Caduti austro-ungarici l’11 novembre | 11. novembra Trst spominja na svoje avstro-ogrske padle
Trieste ricorda i suoi Caduti austro-ungarici l’11 novembre | 11. novembra Trst spominja na svoje avstro-ogrske padle

Trieste ricorda i suoi Caduti austro-ungarici l’11 novembre | 11. novembra Trst spominja na svoje avstro-ogrske padle

Trieste ricorda i suoi Caduti austro-ungarici l’11 novembre 2018 | 11. novembra Trst spominja na svoje avstro-ogrske padle 2018.

Triest gedenkt seiner österreich-ungarischen Gefallenen am 11. November | Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 11 November
Triest gedenkt seiner österreich-ungarischen Gefallenen am 11. November | Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 11 November

Triest gedenkt seiner österreich-ungarischen Gefallenen am 11. November | Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 11 November

Triest gedenkt seiner österreich-ungarischen Gefallenen am 11. November 2018 | Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 11 November 2018.

The Free Territory of Trieste thanks the US on the 70th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan
The Free Territory of Trieste thanks the US on the 70th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

The Free Territory of Trieste thanks the US on the 70th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

Among the 18 States involved in the E.R.P. (Marshall Plan), in the O.E.E.C., and in the E.P.U., there is also the present-day Free Territory of Trieste…