11.12.2024: the I. P. R. F. T. T.’s lawsuit about the Italian obligations on the international Free Port of Trieste is before the Supreme Court of Cassation.

11.12.2024: the I. P. R. F. T. T.’s lawsuit about the Italian obligations on the international Free Port of Trieste is before the Supreme Court of Cassation.
The final results of the 2024 US Presidential election confirmed the decisive victory of the Republican Party’s candidate, Donald J. Trump.
Few Nobel Peace Prizes are as deserved as that awarded in 1953 to George C. Marshall, the only career soldier to ever receive this award.
With the Abraham Accords, the signatories recognize that Judaism, Christianity and Islàm are fundamental spiritual pathways towards the same supreme Reality.
On October 7, 2023, criminal organizations launched from Gaza extremely severe terrorist attacks against the State of Israel and its people…
In the US, relations between the press and the Presidents were never easy, and this is fine: the freedom to express rational critiques is vital for democracy…
Despite the opposition of the other European Countries, the Italian Government continues to receive a constant flow of illegal immigrants…