Il Corriere di Trieste

The decree about the administrative management of the international Free Port of Trieste

On 13 July 2017 the Italian Government announced the signature of the Ministerial Decree, awaited for 23 years, for the administrative organization of the Free Zones of the international Free Port of the Free Territory of Trieste, now published on the Italian Official Gazette No. 177 of 31 July 2107 (LINK).

But, at the same time, some Italian politicians and media have spread loads of disinfomration to receive praises they do not deserve and to confuse public opinion as for the actual content of the Government’s decree, which was issued under international pressing attracted and obtained by the restless informative, legal, and political-diplomatic actions of the Free Trieste Movement and of the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste – I.P.R. F.T.T.

For instance, with this decree the Italian Government has ultimately admitted to be exercising the temporary administration of the present-day Free Territory and of its international Free Port, not the sovereignty of the Italian State, which has ended on 15 September 1947. However, the legal act does also contain some incorrect provisions that must be corrected to grant legal certainty to the investors.

The necessary, fundamental clarifications are contained in the immediate statement, in Italian and in English, with which the I.P.R. F.T.T. accompanied, internationally, the official publication of the decree of the administering Government. This is why we invite you to read the document, which is published hereafter (LINK)

The English version of the Decree is provided by the I.P.R. F.T.T. – use of the document was granted to “Il Correire di Trieste” under the conditions at this LINK.


The decree about the administrative management of the international Free Port of Trieste

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