Trieste, 9 novembre 2024. – Gli organizzatori hanno deciso di rinviare la commemorazione a Prosek per non dare occasione a provocazioni di fanatici esaltati.

Trieste, 9 novembre 2024. – Gli organizzatori hanno deciso di rinviare la commemorazione a Prosek per non dare occasione a provocazioni di fanatici esaltati.
The I. P. R F. T. T. has presented its appeal for annulment against judgment No. 8600/2022 which refused to review Treaties and laws in force.
News alleging that this judgment of the Italian Court of Cassation closes Question Trieste are mere disinformation and false political propagandas.
Trieste, 22 December 2021 – Distinguished neuropharmacologist Giancarlo Pepeu, MD, passed away at the age of 91 in Florence.
Trieste, 24 February 2021: the IPR FTT warned the Municipality, Port Authority and Region against actions that would damage Trieste’s Northern Free Port.
A causa della pandemìa Covid-19, è rinviata la tradizionale commemorazione dei Caduti austro-ungarici di Trieste, del Litorale austriaco e dei popoli fratelli.
Since 2017, 600 appellants request the legal demonstration of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste’s legal system, including taxation.
23.4.2020. – The pandemic is an unprecedented global emergency. Facing it takes solidarity, sense of responsibility, and co-ordinated public interventions.
The appellant have lodged the intervention of the I. P. R. F. T. T. in EU procedure State aid SA.38399 (2018/E) Corporate Taxation of Ports in Italy.
Port of Trieste: the I. P. R. F. T. T. joins the EU procedure State aid SA.38399 (2018/E) Corporate Taxation of Ports in Italy.