The 4 March 2018 Italian national election of confirmed that the majority of Italians refuses the increasingly inept and corrupted political establishment…
The peaceful revolution of non-voting in the 2018 Italian elections
The extension of Italian elections in the present-day Free Territory of Trieste, sub-administered by the Italian Government, is as illegitimate as useless.
Italian elections and politicians: the enemy is them
…on the 4 March 2018 election, the Italian politicians who bear this form of “ultra-discipline” are invading also the present-day Free Territory of Trieste.
Trieste: the bluff of the Italian Port Authority puts investments at risk
The interest of investors and enterprises for the economic regime of the International Free Port and for the fiscal and financial rights of Trieste keeps rising
Why “democrats” are trying to eliminate Trump
In the US, relations between the press and the Presidents were never easy, and this is fine: the freedom to express rational critiques is vital for democracy…
Trieste Independence Day: Free Port, taxes, and legal problems for the investors
Trieste. 15 September 2017. – The I. P. R. F. T. T. celebrated the 70th Independence Day of the Free Territory of Trieste publishing two documents.
The Italian Government fuels the new slave trade and tensions in Libya
Despite the opposition of the other European Countries, the Italian Government continues to receive a constant flow of illegal immigrants…
If the EU destabilizes the Balkans: problems and solutions
12 July 2017, Trieste hosted the annual Western Balkans Summit, the official purpose of which is to favor the stabilization of Western Balkans…
Trieste, press censorship in Italy and the popular, independent weekly paper
Italian media remained silent about a new lawsuit for Trieste’s taxation. But the main independent newspaper destroyed their silence…