Trieste: la I. P. R. F. T. T. interviene nella procedura d’infrazione della Commissione Europea State aid SA.38399 (2018/E) sulla tassazione dei porti italiani.

Trieste: la I. P. R. F. T. T. interviene nella procedura d’infrazione della Commissione Europea State aid SA.38399 (2018/E) sulla tassazione dei porti italiani.
Port of Trieste: the I. P. R. F. T. T. joins the EU procedure State aid SA.38399 (2018/E) Corporate Taxation of Ports in Italy.
The Court of Appeal of Trieste admitted appeal 139/19 App of the I. P. R. F. T. T. and 500 appellants regarding taxation in Trieste and in its Free Port.
Some of the main State investors of the PRC are negotiating to buy shares of private Italian companies that work in the international Free Port of Trieste…
With two legal actions, the I. P. R. F. T. T. stopped the operations to illegally subtract a 60 hectares area to the international Free Port of Trieste.
Among the 18 States involved in the E.R.P. (Marshall Plan), in the O.E.E.C., and in the E.P.U., there is also the present-day Free Territory of Trieste…
La I. P. R. F. T. T. presenta l’Expertise-V: l’ordinamento giuridico italiano riconosce diritti ed obblighi relativi al Free Territory of Trieste dal 1947.
The I. P. R. F. T. T. presents new Expertise-V: the Italian legal system recognizes rights and obligations regarding the Free Territory of Trieste since 1947.
The interest of investors and enterprises for the economic regime of the International Free Port and for the fiscal and financial rights of Trieste keeps rising
7 December 2017: Austrian newspaper Börsen-Kurier published an article by Tibor Pásztory regarding the legal action against Italian taxation in Trieste.