11.12.2024: the I. P. R. F. T. T.’s lawsuit about the Italian obligations on the international Free Port of Trieste is before the Supreme Court of Cassation.
Trieste, its international Free Port and the Court of Justice of the European Union
Trieste, 22.7.2023. – The I. P. R. F. T. T. enabled the intervention of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the lawsuits for Trieste’s rights.
Trieste’s taxation rights and Free Port: impugned the “political” judgment of the Court of Cassation in Rome
The I. P. R F. T. T. has presented its appeal for annulment against judgment No. 8600/2022 which refused to review Treaties and laws in force.
Se l’UE destabilizza i Balcani: problemi e soluzioni
Il 12 luglio 2017 Trieste ha ospitato il Western Balkans Summit annuale, che ha lo scopo ufficiale di favorire la stabilizzazione dei Balcani Occidentali…
If the EU destabilizes the Balkans: problems and solutions
12 July 2017, Trieste hosted the annual Western Balkans Summit, the official purpose of which is to favor the stabilization of Western Balkans…