11.12.2024: the I. P. R. F. T. T.’s lawsuit about the Italian obligations on the international Free Port of Trieste is before the Supreme Court of Cassation.
I 70 anni del Nobel per la Pace al Generale Marshall
Pochi premi Nobel per la Pace sono stati meritati come quello conferito nel 1953 a George C. Marshall, l’unico militare di carriera ad esserne insignito.
The 70th anniversary of General Marshall’s Nobel Peace Prize
Few Nobel Peace Prizes are as deserved as that awarded in 1953 to George C. Marshall, the only career soldier to ever receive this award.
The Italian Court of Cassation reviews Trieste’s legislation and taxation
Today, 8 February 2022, the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation has discussed in joint session case No. 3337/2021, brought forward by the I. P. R. F. T. T.
The legal and fiscal question of the Free Territory of Trieste is consolidated
The I. P. R. F. T. T. presents new Expertise-V: the Italian legal system recognizes rights and obligations regarding the Free Territory of Trieste since 1947.
Trieste: the bluff of the Italian Port Authority puts investments at risk
The interest of investors and enterprises for the economic regime of the International Free Port and for the fiscal and financial rights of Trieste keeps rising
Vienna: the Börsen-Kurier about Trieste’s legal action on taxation VS the Italian Government
7 December 2017: Austrian newspaper Börsen-Kurier published an article by Tibor Pásztory regarding the legal action against Italian taxation in Trieste.
If the EU destabilizes the Balkans: problems and solutions
12 July 2017, Trieste hosted the annual Western Balkans Summit, the official purpose of which is to favor the stabilization of Western Balkans…