Il Corriere di Trieste


Causa fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste: la Corte d’Appello la dichiara ammissibile
Causa fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste: la Corte d’Appello la dichiara ammissibile

Causa fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste: la Corte d’Appello la dichiara ammissibile

La Corte d’Appello di Trieste ha accolto l’appello 139/19 App della I. P. R. F. T. T. e 500 ricorrenti per il legittimo regime fiscale di Trieste e del Porto.

Lawsuit on taxation in the Free Territory of Trieste: the Court of Second Instance admits the legal action
Lawsuit on taxation in the Free Territory of Trieste: the Court of Second Instance admits the legal action

Lawsuit on taxation in the Free Territory of Trieste: the Court of Second Instance admits the legal action

The Court of Appeal of Trieste admitted appeal 139/19 App of the I. P. R. F. T. T. and 500 appellants regarding taxation in Trieste and in its Free Port.

Notificato al Governo italiano l’appello nella causa sul regime fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste
Notificato al Governo italiano l’appello nella causa sul regime fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste

Notificato al Governo italiano l’appello nella causa sul regime fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste

La I. P. R. F. T. T. ha notificato l’appello nella causa n. 1757/17 sul regime fiscale del Free Territory of Trieste al Governo italiano.

Trieste legal action on taxation: the Court decides to not decide, appeal in second instance announced
Trieste legal action on taxation: the Court decides to not decide, appeal in second instance announced

Trieste legal action on taxation: the Court decides to not decide, appeal in second instance announced

29.9.2018: the Court of Trieste decided to take no decision in lawsuit 1757/2017 regarding Trieste taxation. Immediate impugnation before che Court of Appeal.